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Em São Paulo, Brasil e América Latina. Conte conosco.

Inovação em análise forense


O Flatscan DF-80 é um sistema de raios-x digital para corpo inteiro, projetado especificamente para análise forense. Auxilia na geração de laudos periciais por análise de imagem digital de alta definição, conferindo mais agilidade e precisão no processo de autópsia.


  • Easy and safe installation

    Flatscan DV is self-contained and does not require a special X-ray room to operate. The equipment provides a complete and safe inspection without moving the inspected body.


    Technical Differentials

    • Inspection tunnel with X-ray shielding that does not require the construction of a barium room and provides more safety for the operator
    • Precise inspection and operational safety
    • Easy cleaning
    • Removable roller table to facilitate equipment cleaning
    • Operation console with access password, digital super zoom, image processing software and visual signaling
    • System to measure the dimension and angle of objects with automatic adjustment of brightness and contrast of the image
    • Exclusive automatic positioning system that allows acquisition of lateral image without moving the body
    • For greater operator safety, the tube, detector and body movements are controlled by software


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  • Whatsapp   |   +55 11 3184-1513    |    +55 11 99904-6499

Atendimento de Segunda a Sábado de 8:00 as 18:00h com consultores exclusivos para área de TI, Saúde e Segurança.

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